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Vi är nu en del av AQ Group!
2024-10-31 förvärvades TechROi Engineering & TechROi Scandinavia av AQ Group. AQ är en global tillverkare av komponenter och system till krävande industrikunder och är noterat på Nasdaq Stockholms huvudmarknad.
Förtydligande: 2024-12-09 försattes vårt tidigare holdingbolag TechROi AB i konkurs, detta påverkar inte på något sätt vår verksamhet.
We provide technical services in the manufacturing industry ... and we are good at it!
Our fantastic consultants!
The fact that you as a consultant enjoy working with us is a prerequisite for our business to function.
Looong experience of prototyping.
Our long experience keeps costs down for you as a customer.
Life is simpler with resident support.
Sometimes logistics and communication across borders can be a bit tricky ... but not for us. Let us help you!
Our client relationships are based on a passion to spread good atmosphere and contribute to the development of the industry.
We keep agreements and delivering on time to create a reliable and secure relationship with the customer.
We approach each business case individually and are aligned to the specific needs of our customers.